155.完结(一)(1 / 2)

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e with my love

To the sea

The sea of love

I want to tell you

How muh I love you

Do you rember

When we t

That’s the day I knew you were my pet

I want to tell you

How muh I love you

e with my love

To the sea

The sea of love

I want to tell you

How muh I love you







Where is my love

Where is my love

Horses galloping bring you to

Where is my love

Where is my love

Horses running free arry you and

Where is my love

Where is my love

Safe and warm so lose to

In my arms finally

There is my love

There is my love

Horses galloping bring you to

Where is my love

Where is my love


雷以诺放下怀中的吉他,“前面一首叫《sea of love》,后面这一首叫《where is my love》。今天听够了没有,我们睡觉吧。”








Right before the you lose your eyes

Whispering your prayers

When the sandman blows your eyes I’ll be there

When you wake up in the night

Sounds the seond stairs

That reaks under the areless foot I’ll be there

Gather roses will you may

While the bloom is full

For the blossom soon will fade

And the bloom grow dull

Right before the m light

Creeps soft upon the sill

When the shadows lose I never will

When your voie is softly heard

Singing in the m air

But the note does not ring true I’ll be there

Gather roses will you may

While the bloom is full

For the blossom soon will fade

And the bloom grow dull

Right before you sleep at night

Closing up the blind

In the windows bk embrae if you find

The fae of a lover long-fotten

Fotten eyes fotten hair

Fotten words that streth like salt I’ll be there

Gather roses will you may

While the bloom is full

For the blossom soon will fade


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