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二狗不在男厕所里, Sorry I don’t have any paper on .

二狗也不在女厕所里,Nice color by the way.

“We got a gym. Did you check there out?”周济之端着一个非常漂亮的颅骨站在办公室门口对张仲文说。

“Where? I don’t sll such thing.”

“Oh, Since we got female employees now, they built a wall to block the sight. It is quite covert anyhow.”


“You know, walls are cheaper than new air dition system, and people who works out iend to be topless half-naked because of the moist heat and the showing off masity.”

“Oh……I an what that dumbass go to gym for? Does he have the B-3 Welfare?”

“Is that dumbass Clyde?”


“You boyfriend harassed for a fancy but not too pussy English na and this is his final choice. Do you have idea why the initial has to be a C?”

“No. but Dr charming, Does this Clyde guy go to gym all the ti?”

“I think it starts after Ryan’s brothal party. Now he stops eating lund spends at least 2 hours in keeping his brisk firm and fresh. And I have to say, good job, Kyle.”

“What for?



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