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“Yell at . now, please!”蔡丽眼的眼圈黑黑的,脸色铁青,神色很憔悴。


“I’m here to shower so holy-dragon-level poisonous va, abuse, swear humiliation or somhing like these .Kyle, bring it on. I am all yours today.”蔡丽眼凄楚地看了一眼似乎被妈妈表情吓到的张匣姑,低头沉吟。

“So what did you steal anyway? I sleep with cops, as you see. I bsp; put so word to their asses and when they defecate on your face, you will fully enjoy my tenderness and ess which represent our ernal faithful love!

蔡丽艳目光呆滞地看着那将息的烟头,挠了挠脖子,哑着嗓子说:“ I passed out at nowhere st night and wake up at a ic this m.”


“The doctor said I am pregnant…two months.”

“So what’s the fuck matter with ? ”

“I’m panig and I need hearing so bitchy snap.”

“Yeah. What’s a gay ex-husband for? ”

蔡丽艳耸了一下肩膀,掐死了烟,呼了一口气,慢悠悠地说:“Go on. Give more! Harder and quicker!”

“Do you have any idea about who’s the father?”

“75% ce would be Richard. 25% Johnny. Which are both my bosses.”

“Gee. Screw the baby. Did you g the promotion or not?”

“No. I’ve got a proposal from Rickard, st week.”

“Is he rich?”

“pare to my ex? No.”

“Does he know about……”

“Being a wito. Being a bitch, yes.”

“So you



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