“i’m looking for lillian, she is here, right(我找lillian,我知道她在里面。)”门外传来tfany气冲冲的声音。
“she’s just over there.(她在那儿。)”啪的一声,我正被tfany甩一巴掌。
“what’s wrong with you, tfany(tfany你有啥问题啊?)”刚刚应门和说这句话的正是我的室友katherine。
“how dare you are! mourning slut! you are trout!!(我看你是活得不耐烦呢吧?si衰鬼b1a0子!贱人!)"一连串难听的脏话从tfany嘴里飙出。
“hey……calm down, tfany! what’s wrong and why you say that(你冷静点,发生什麽事了?还有你为何这样说她?)”katherine似乎看不过去,不过我心里早有底。
“ok, i heard that you screw with my boyfriend, alexander!(好,有传闻说,你上了我的男友!)”
“what! did you do that did you just……(哈?你没吧?)”katherine用极度荒唐的眼神看我。
“ya, we did it. and you know what he’s so hot! the curve is so wonderful! ”(是啊!我们的确shangchuan了!而且你知道吗?他实在x感十足!瞧瞧他身上那完美的线条!)“and, we have almost ten orgasms one night, and he……”(那晚我们将近有十次ga0cha0呢!而且他……)”还没等我说完,tfany又是甩了一个耳光。
“you! you’re totally a bitch!(你这个si贱人!)”骂完我後,tfany用力甩门离开。
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