P-9(1 / 2)

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「【oh, you may not think i'm pretty,

but don't judge on what you see,

i'll eat myselfyou can find

a smarter hat than .

you can keep your bowlers black,

your top hats sleek and tall,

for i'm the hogwarts sorting hat

and i can cap them all

there's nothing hidden in your head

the sorting hat can't see,

so try on and i will tell you

where you ought to be.

you might belong in gryffindor,

where dwell the brave at heart,

their daring, nerve and chivalry

set gryffindor's apart;

you might belong in hufflepuff,

where they are just and loyal,

those patient hufflepuffs are true

and unafraid of toil;

or yet in wise old ravenclaw

if you've a ready mind,

where those of wit and learning,

will always find their kind;

or perhaps in slytherin

you'll make your real friends,

those cunning folk use any ans

to achieve their ends.

so put on! don't be afraid!

and don't get in a flap!

you're in safe hands (though i have none)

for i'm a thinking cap!】」




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