Will tell you I was there 会告诉你我曾来过
Under the front porch light 在前廊的灯下
On a mystery night 在一个幽静的夜晚
I“ve been sitting watching life 我一直蹲坐着守望,
pass from the sidelines 看着生命在身边流逝,
Been waiting for a dream 一直在等待着,
to seep in through my blinds 等待一个梦飘入那道百叶窗,
I wondered what might happen 我不禁彷徨,
if I left this all behind 若我抛下了一切又会怎样?
Would the wind be at my back 我能否超越这一阵风?
Could I get you off my mind 我能否将你彻底忘怀?
This ti 这一次。
The neon lights in bars 酒吧里的霓虹灯
And headlights from the cars 还有车前的光芒
Have started a symphony在我的周围
It’s around 交织如一场交响乐,
The things I left behind 那些被我遗落身后的纷扰
Have lted in my mind 已然在我的心头融化
And now there“s a purity此刻,我的内心
Inside of 只留纯净
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