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Draco failed to answer once more, fixing his eyes on the ground.

“He says he just knew. He said when you’re in love with a person, you can feel his presence. While I am not entirely inclined to believe that was how he ca to his conclusion, I’ve decided not to press him—or you—further.”

Draco’s breath caught in his throat. Of course he knew what Harry had been trying to say only re hours earlier, but to hear it in so many words hit him like a ton of bricks.

“In love?” Draco whispered, glancing up at McGonagall.

“Of course, I knew. Suspected, at least. With his personal decline beginning when it did, with the announcent of your passing. What I did not suspect was your reciprocation. Not until we last spoke, that is.”

“I’m sorry, Headmaster,” Draco managed, not sure what he was apologizing for.

She fixed him with an icy stare.

“You know sothing must be done.”

“I know.”

His words hung in the air.

He considered telling her that if she planned to obliviate Harry, she might as well obliviate him, too. But if she did, she better do it all the way back to first year, because he couldn’t rember knowing Harry without rembering that he loved him, and the pain was too much to bear. He didn’t want to have to watch Harry move on, find soone new, while knowing that at one point, he had loved him back. That was a fate worse than death.

McGonagall broke into his thoughts.

“I was thinking an Unbreakable would do the trick,” McGonagall said.

“What?” Draco sputtered.

“An Unbreakable Vow. We’ll have him vow not to tell anyone that you’re still alive. To protect you. Don’t you think?”

“You’re not? You’re not going to obliviate him?”

“I must admit that obiliviation was my first thought, as well. But I felt that wouldn’t work well for any of us. It would require Mr. Potter’s removal from his new position, which leaves without a Defense teacher for yet another year, and him wasting away in that terrible old manor. And for you, well, I’m not a young woman, Mr. Malfoy. I think I should want to retire one day, and you will most definitely outlive . Who will ensure your safety when I am gone? I think it would be unsurprising should Mr. Potter fill my shoes when I am gone, both in my position as Headmaster and as your protector. Wouldn’t you say?” McGonagall asked, raising her eyebrows.

“I suppose, but Potter has friends, Professor. Meddling ones, at that. Won’t they want to know why he rarely leaves the grounds?” Draco asked.

McGonagall turned, pacing along the mon room, stopping at the windows looking out into the lake.

“You’re right. The youngest Mr. and Mrs. Weasley would certainly pose a problem. I suppose we could trust Ronald and Hermione to take a Vow, as well. Then you would have a work, should anything happen to Mr. Potter.”


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