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“Investigators,” rang a voice from nearby. Ignora was t by the beady eyes of the auror, Bastien Queensbury. “I’m glad you’re here,” he said. “It saves the trouble of writing a formal letter.”

“You have sothing to share with us?” Felix cocked a brow.

“Yes,” Queensbury nodded, sothing shrill in his tone. “The Ho Office has deed your case a part of mine and reassigned you. I will need all your case notes and files.”

Laughing, Igora walked away.

“Stramitz,” Queensbury warned. “There is extensive evidence Umphrey was working with Zivantus to sell dangerous stolen goods on the black market. This has been deed the highest priority and my auror task force will be solely responsible for the investigation moving forward.”

“And Bertrice?” Igora raged. “Who is going to be responsible for finding that poor girl?”

The short man frowned. “We will do everything we can.”

She huffed, her breathing a harsh rhythm bouncing between seething rage and heartbreaking disappointnt. Felix stepped forward and shook his head, “Right, you’ll do what you can between raiding the warehouses and returning the high priced valuables to their rich owners.” He turned to Igora. “I forgot it was an election year.”

“Just owl the files,” Queensbury waved them off. “Move on to your next case. That’s an order.” He walked away and disappeared down a hallway. Igora practiced even breaths.

“We are not moving on,” she said. They needed a sudden discovery to change their direction. Igora needed a break in the case. But more importantly, she needed a cigarette.

Reining in McLaggen had apparently bee Icarus Sableton’s full ti job. He talked him down from giving Granger Veritaserum, but her wand had been confiscated. Icarus reluctantly agreed with that action.

“We have to protect people,” McLaggen said.

Icarus nodded. “Yes, but Granger ca in willingly. She just confird her curse is manifestly harmless.”

McLaggen frowned. “Love can be very dangerous.”

“I bet,” Icarus said doubtfully. Frankly, the Eros Curse seed like one of the more manageable afflictions. Manageable in that it didn’t cause imdiate death or destruction, although love was known to lead to both of those things in the worst of circumstances.

He debriefed Granger without McLaggen, and when he asked if the two had a history, Granger snorted and crossed her arms. She grew increasingly frustrated and demanded to speak with the Pandora project leader.

“There was an ergency,” Icarus explained, and he tried not to laugh. He really did. Chuckling, “They found Garius Santi—let’s just say, in a tight situation.”

“Garius?” Granger questioned. “Have they identified his curse?”

Icarus thought about one of the Departnt of Mysteries’ senior-most officials parading down the catwalk in a dress and full makeup and nodded. He shook the thought and addressed the matter at hand. They wanted Granger to help bring in the others and then assist in breaking the curses.


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