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Fieldspack’s Wonderous Epiphany of Ancient Greek Magic & Culture had an entire section on the thorough cleaning and purification process of disenchnts, the often “troubleso and eccentric” cacophony of Ancient Grecian spells. Purimasseto was listed there, and she must’ve mitted it to so part of her mory when she’d read the book through the first ti days ago. Hermione didn’t question it, but later when they asked why she had placed the curse in a Chinese take-away box, she casually lied and said the silver box couldn’t be used to house the curses a second ti.

One by one, the others ca in and Hermione cast the simple spell to remove the curse, until finally, only Malfoy remained. He showed up mid morning two days later, a soft smile on his lips.

“Ready?” Hermione asked. He raised his brow and nodded, a look of uncertainty on his face. “It will work,” she assured him. “The others are all back to normal.”

He stared back at her. “Well go ahead then.”

“Purimasseto!” she cast.

Nothing happened.

She repeated the spell.


And again.

“I don’t understand,” she panicked and stared back and forth between him and the take away box. He followed her gaze.

“Is that—is that take-away from China Express?”

Hermione narrowed her eyes. “Why aren’t you upset? The spell isn’t working! I can’t release you from the curse!”

Draco turned back and smiled, and Hermione was sure she hadn’t been so perplexed in a very long ti. “You probably can’t release from the curse,” Draco said, “because I’ve already been released of it.”

“What?” Hermione cried. “How? When?”

Draco smirked. “I’ve had a lot of ti to think about it, but I think it was when I finally accepted my Fate, when I’d followed the threads and took my rightful path.”

“I see,” Hermione said, even though she really didn’t understand.

“Or it could’ve been when Harry fucked into the mattress,” he added.

She shrieked, “GET OUT!”

Fifteen days later when the Ministry had given her the Order of Merlin, much to her dismay, she still couldn’t look Draco Malfoy in the eye. She had to keep reminding herself that Draco and Harry had been pushed together, not by her Eros ddlings, or so bizarre twist of Fate, but by the revolution of the self, the ability to change, and judging by the odd overheard conversation here and there, a rather frisky house plant.

The Christmas Co Early Party


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