“She’s not pretending. She’s really worried about you.”
Draco scoffs. “Are you going to tell that Weasley’s worried about , too?”
“Well, he’s mostly worried about . But he does ask about you from ti to ti.”
“Probably just to make sure we’re not hiding Death Eaters in our dungeons ready to ambush the Golden Boy to revive You-Know-Who,” Draco mutters.
Harry’s fork pauses halfway into his mouth. Bits of the egg plop back onto his plate. “Err. You’re not, are you?”
Draco looks at him straight in the eyes, unamused. “Merlin, Potter, if we wanted you indisposed, Binky would have poisoned your pancakes by now.”
Harry relaxes. He’s glad Binky hasn’t poisoned his pancakes. Those pancakes were great. “Okay, good. I’ll tell Ron that.”
Draco sighs loudly. “Why are you here again?”
Harry shrugs. “You know, I’m not really sure myself,” he says honestly.
At that, Draco leans back in his chair, studying him.
Harry resists the urge to shove another mouthful of eggs in his mouth in an effort to avoid his gaze.
After a while, Draco looks out into the garden. His voice is small and quiet. “You’ve done your part. My mother escaped Azkaban, and for that, I am indebted to you. My sentence was also reduced because of you. I am not so ungrateful as to forget that. But this…” He glances back at him, eyes tired. “What do you get out of this?”
It hurts, to see Draco Malfoy so defeated. Once upon a ti, Harry thinks he would have relished seeing Draco like this, atoning for everything that he did. Atoning for everything that he had to do to save his family.
Once upon a ti isn’t now.
“I’m sorry,” he lets out in a rush. “You shouldn’t have gone to Azkaban.”
The smile that Draco sends him at that is dry. “Have you forgotten the things I’ve done?”
“No,” Harry shakes his head, and then he ets Draco’s eyes head on. “No, I haven’t.”
“What is this, then?” The smile turns into a smirk. “The Golden Boy’s feeling guilty?”
“Don’t call that.” Harry glares. It’s getting harder to stay calm when Draco’s so decided to be an asshole. “Look, Malfoy, there’s no deeper, ulterior motive to this. Can’t we just. I don’t know, be friends?”
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