Harry rembers Draco and what he was like when he first ca out of Azkaban. He had only spent three months there. Three months too long. He doesn’t know what will happen to Gregory Goyle and Theodore Nott after those 6 months. “I don’t think so.”
“Harry.” Hermione turns to him, face serious. “I think you should look for Malfoy.”
Harry blinks at her in surprise. He had planned to, but didn’t expect Hermione to suggest it. Over the past week, he had shared to his friends about his ti in the Manor and Draco’s condition. Ron hadn’t been too happy talking about it, but with his best friend and his girlfriend (even his own mother!) so invested in it, he soon started asking his own questions. In ti, they’ve managed to have conversations about Draco without anybody ntioning what an utter git he was.
“Well, I did plan to,” Harry says.
Hermione shakes her head. “Now. I’m worried. You heard those people talking back at the station. I wouldn’t put it pass the students to bring so of their hostility here.”
Harry frowns, shaking his head in disbelief even as he moves to stand up. “Students wouldn’t…” He trails off, but there is already a gnawing dread in his stomach.
“I’m with her, mate,” Ron says carefully.
“Me, too,” Ginny says, head shaking. Her eyes are shining, and it’s obvious she’s fighting the tears back. “Last year, Harry, Hogwarts wasn’t even a school anymore. People were allowed to do certain…things.”
Hermione reaches over to hold her hand.
Harry looks at her, tries not to think about worst case scenarios. Swallowing thickly, he nods and turns to leave the room.
“Do you want soone to go with you?” Hermione asks softly, but it’s no surprise to everyone when Harry shakes his head.
“No, I think he’d be more fortable with less people.” He looks behind his shoulder and offers an assuring grin. “Next ti?”
Hermione smiles. “Next ti.”
Heads peek from partnt windows and students whisper as he passes, but Harry’s thankful that nobody attacks him and demands for an autograph. He thinks that maybe his three months out of the public eye have done wonders for his image: Golden Boy’s not really interested in rubbing elbows, just wants to live in peace, try again next year.
The partnts really are free for all, but everyone knew that Slytherins usually occupied the ones at the back end of the train. Here, it’s the sa: students look at him in curiosity, but there is a sense of caution in the air, as if they’re wondering what Harry Potter’s doing in the den of snakes.
As he goes further, he passes by more and more partnts that are empty. It’s quieter. The noise of people talking and chattering fades in the distance, and the decrease in the student population this year is more obvious here.
He’s almost worried, thinking that maybe Draco decided not to return to Hogwarts after all, but there, after five rows of empty partnts, Harry sees it.
Draco Malfoy inside, leaning back on his seat with one arm propped on the window sill, eyes gazing out into the bright scenery on the other side of the glass. He’s present, Harry knows this imdiately. He sees this in the alertness in Draco’s eyes and in the tension in his shoulders.
He relaxes, assured that Draco’s safe and that he’s ing back to Hogwarts after all. He knocks on the door, but that’s the only courtesy he’s willing to offer because he slides the door open imdiately after anyway.
Draco jumps in shock, and he turns his head—
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