Looking at the Marauders’ Map.
“Huh,” Hermione nts one fine weekend morning.
“Huh?” Ron asks, looking up from the chicken pot pie that he had been devouring. “What’s huh?”
Hermione’s twirling her quill, and there is an open to laid out beside her half-eaten plate of breakfast. Ron and Harry have tried and failed to get her to stop studying on the breakfast table. (“It’s too early for to look at a book, “Mione!”Ron had failingly pleaded.)
“Huh,” Hermione repeats, pointing with her quill to the other side of the room.
Ron looks at where she’s pointing, blinks, stares, and then also says, “Huh.”
Harry, who is sitting across from them and thus facing backwards from their source of curiosity, turns on impulse. “What are you guys looking at?”
He scans the Great Hall, but sees nothing out of the ordinary. It’s already late in the morning, and so the Great Hall is not as crowded as it usually is during als. Students mill around and groups of friends cluster together in chitchat and laughter. He turns back to his own friends. “I don’t see it.”
Ron snorts, turning back to his beloved pie. “I’m surprised. You’re always the first to see him.”
Harry’s cheeks slowly colour as he realizes who they’re talking about. “I haven’t…I an. Not lately.”
Ron rolls his eyes. “I see you with the Map at night, Harry.”
“I don’t use it to look for him!” Harry defends, blushing furiously, but he imdiately knows that it’s a pathetic lie. Ron and Hermione’s eyebrows are both raised. “Not just him.”
“Bollocks,” Ron says. “You better start using it on Astoria Greengrass, too. They’re getting awfully touchy.”
It’s really taking a lot of self-control not to turn in his seat right now. There’s an ache in his heart, but he’s used to that, so he stubbornly ignores it. “Well, it’s not any of my business, is it?”
Hermione smiles at him sympathetically. “I guess not.”
Harry starts looking for Astoria Greengrass in the Marauders’ Map.
He’s dismayed to find that, over the course of the next few weeks, her na and Draco’s na are more often than not beside each other in the Slytherin Common Room.
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