They were talking about sothing. A girl. Potter’s girl. Oh. Weasley.
His vision’s starting to go dim at the edges again.
It’ll be nice, he supposes. They’re going to build the happiest family ever.
It hurts.
What did he say to Potter again?
It’s dark. Darker than Azkaban.
Azkaban at least had moonlight shining through the bars.
But this is darker, pitch-black, all light blocked by the canopy of trees above. He hears the rustle of leaves more than he sees them, and he hears the incessant buzzing of insects. Sothing howls ahead and Draco wonders if this is real or if it’s just in his head again.
He needs to leave. He knows he does. He always knows. But with Potter gone, it’s been getting harder and harder to get out of his head. He thought he was getting better.
But no, he’s just getting worse, and Potter’s angry, and he misses the Manor, and the garden, and breakfast, and Potter.
There’s another howl that sounds and echoes around him, and he doesn’t know where he’s going. He thinks he’s walking, he’s not sure, but it’s dark here, and Potter’s not around.
Draco wakes up to the scent of sweat, treacle tart, and fresh soap. He’s being carried on soone’s back, and he knows imdiately who it is. His nose is buried in Potter’s hair and he’s not sure if this is real, but he feels like crying.
He thinks he already is.
Potter stops, pauses, and Draco realizes that they’re still outside the castle. It’s still dark, with only the moon and the light from the towers illuminating their steps. The wind is still cold, and their robes billow in the wind. Potter’s carrying him, and he’s probably heavy, but Potter’s grip under his thighs are firm.
Potter says, “I’m sorry. I didn’t an what I said.”
Draco’s having a hard ti concentrating. He doesn’t understand what Potter’s saying.
“I’m not going to stop pestering you, Malfoy. Stop trying to get rid of .”
The chuckle is out of his lips before he can stop it. Stupid Potter. Stupid, annoying Potter who doesn’t know when to give up. The little bugger just has to save everyone, even those that don’t deserve it. “I’m mad, Potter.”
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