Potter grins at him. “Trade secrets.” He nudges his chin towards the wall. “I’ll tell you when we get inside. Can you stand now?”
Draco does. He doesn’t think he can do it for very long, but damn if he’s going to keep hanging off of Potter forever. “We?”
Potter’s smile gets bigger, and Draco curses his heart for feeling whatever it is that it’s feeling. Must be the nausea.
Potter rummages through his robe pockets, gets his wand in one and a small piece of cloth in the other. With a swish and flick, the piece of cloth transforms into a huge cloak, sparkling like the night sky. He throws it around himself, and Draco tries hard not to stare dumbly at the spot where Potter once stood.
Of course, Potter would have an invisibility cloak.
“You little bugger.”
A chuckle echoes in the dungeons. “What’s the password?”
Potter is in the Slytherin dungeons.
Potter is in his room.
Granted, he’s had Potter in his room before, but not…in Slytherin.
The shock and utter ridiculousness of it has Draco walking straight towards his bed to lie down and rest his aching head. There are a lot of gaps in his mory, and trying to make sense of everything that led them here isn’t doing him any favours.
There’s a sound of a bed creaking, and Draco can imagine that Potter’s gone and made himself at ho on the other, nearest bed.
That one had been Goyle’s.
Draco sighs, rubs his hand over his face, and then keeps it there. “How did you know I was in the Forbidden Forest?”
Potter’s voice is sheepish. “I have this Map that tells where everybody is in the castle.”
Draco snorts, shaking his head in incredulity. “You certainly have a lot of things, don’t you?” He kicks his boots off and, uncaring of how muddy the ends of his robes are, puts his feet up on the bed and arranges himself so that he can look at Potter while keeping his throbbing head lying down. He’ll Scourgify his sheets later.
“Yeah, well, you don’t beat Voldemort empty-handed.”
Potter is leaning back on his arms, keeping his feet and his own dirty boots firmly planted on the floor.
“Are you gloating?”
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