Draco wonders how long he’d waited to have a mont like this, where everyone was hanging onto his last word, waiting to hear what wonderful thing he had done now. Too long, probably.
“You’re all familiar with the archiving assignnt I have undertaken. Many of you played instruntal roles in the process. And now it’s pleted.” There’s a cheer, led by Ginny, and instead of getting upset at being interrupted like Draco had expected, Percy just smiles, riding the wave and waiting until it died down again. “The ministry has elected to open the records up to the public. There’s going to be a ceremony, and the people who shared their stories are to be invited.” He beams down at all of them. “Hermione will be opening the ceremony. I’ll be there too, of course.”
There’s another cheer, this one led by Ron, who grabs Hermione by the waist and spins her around despite her protests. When he sets her down, they all converge on Percy, hugging him, burying him in the midst of family.
George isn’t a part of it.
Neither is Penelope. She’s standing on the sidelines with Draco, watching them all.
“This is all he ever wanted. To be loved by them like this.” Penelope does not look like the epito of grace now—there is a slouch to her shoulders and a stain on her skirt and a strand of hair ing loose, but now, Draco can see why Percy has been taken with her so long. “I just wish that they had figured out how to do it sooner.”
Don’t we all, Draco thinks. The one thing we’re good at is loving too late.
It’s fast, after that.
Bill leaves first, then Charlie, and then the rest of the kids leave at the sa ti, pulling on their jackets and saying their good-byes so fast it didn’t hide how desperate they were to leave.
“Merlin.” Ron shakes his head, squinting up at the streetlights the way he always does when they reach a muggle town. “I love Percy, but he can be a drag sotis.”
“I don’t know.” Hermione glanced over at him, but she hadn’t need to—they always seem to know each other, like the way they were caught in the other’s orbit ans there was no possibility of falling out of step. “He wanted to make you guys proud.”
“We are proud. We’ve always been proud.” Ginny looks from her brother and Hermione, back to Harry. “He had to have known that, right?”
“So people have a hard ti believing what they can’t touch. What they can’t see.” Luna talks a bit more like them, now, less likely she was caught in a dream and more like soone had finally forced her to wipe the stardust that had gathered in her eyes. It was sad, because now she had to see life the way it really was. “You can’t do it all the ti—even I have to wonder whether gnargles are around here.”
“Well, there is very little evidence they exist, Luna,” Hermione starts, and Draco gives her the benefit of the doubt by thinking she ant it to be forting.
“Don’t be silly.” Luna fixes her with a glare. “There have been definite sightings in North Arica.”
There’s a shocked mont of silence, and then they burst out laughing, Ron first, and then all of them, right in the middle of the street where anyone could look down and see them. Ginny’s laughing so hard there are tears in her eyes, then she’s digging in her coat pocket, cursing under her breath. “Damn it. Damn it all to Hell, Luna, I was going to do this later, do it right, but—” she sinks down to one knee, even though there was mud on the pavent and it was soaking through the legs of her jeans. “I’m never going to love you more than I do right this second, I think.”
She’s holding up a ring. It’s small, and elegant, and simple, like it was built for Luna. “Luna Lovegood,” She says, and her voice is shaking with the effort of keeping herself contained. “Will you do the honor of marrying ?”
Luna stares down at her, as unbothered by this as she had been by every other thing. For a heart stopping mont, Draco thinks she might say no, but then her face cracks open in a smile and she sinks to her knees. “I suppose.”
“She supposes.” Ron says, his voice that tone of unfathomable disbelief he always uses when Luna says sothing that he doesn’t understand. “You hear that everyone?” He has turned his face upward and scread it to the skylights. “She supposes!”
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