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“I’m not used to people like you loving .” Draco doesn’t look at him. “The war left its mark on the bad guys, too.”

“I don’t think you’re a bad guy.”

“And that’s probably the biggest difference between us.”

Harry stares at him, not knowing how to fix the sudden rift that had appeared, but it seems that he doesn’t have to, because Draco turns to him, face pale and jaw set like he is preparing for a punch to the face, and he knows that the old Malfoy has showed up to the fight.

“You want the truth?” Draco isn’t waiting for an answer, but Harry nods anyways. “The truth is that I care about you a lot, and maybe this whole ti we’re together I was waiting for soone to show how it wasn’t happening, how this wasn’t real or you didn’t want because it just seed too good to be true. And I was so afraid of that that I started looking for warning signs that weren’t even there, and you made this nt—I forget what it was, really, because it was that insignificant—about how I should start looking for places, too, and I thought that you didn’t want to e with you, which ant that you could not think about the sa way I think about you, because you, Harry, are it for , too.”

Harry doesn’t have a response at first, because he rembers the nt (and how stupid, because he only ant that Harry wanted Draco’s opinion, not that he was trying to throw him out on the street) and it was before they even got the cottage, which ant that this must have been needling in Draco’s brain for weeks.

“You had to have known that wasn’t what I ant.” There were tears burning in Harry’s eyes and he blinked them away. “Didn’t you?”

“Well I almost bought a flat in London, so I’d say that I didn’t.”

“I just wanted you to be happy, so I was trying to say that—that you didn’t just have to follow , or whatever, that it wasn’t my decision, it was our decision. That’s all.” He was frantic, desperate for Draco to understand this. “I was trying to let you know that we were on equal footing with this.”

(There’s another thought, one that he doesn’t want to focus on, about how maybe Draco didn’t want to live in the cottage after all, but e on. Harry had built him a potions lab, for Merlin’s sake.)

“And I knew that. Logically.” Draco lifted one shoulder apologetically. “But I also knew that you could change your mind any ti.”

“I’m not changing my mind, Draco.” And even though it’s much too soon, possibly even unwanted, considering how badly Harry had apparently screwed things up, he adds, “I love you.”

It cancels out whatever response Draco had been forming. “You do?”

“Of course I do. Draco, you stupid, stupid man.” Distantly, he registers that Draco does not say it back, but Harry doesn’t think on it for long, just stumbles forward and sinks to his knees in front of him, clasps their hands together. “Of course I want you were supposed to e with . That was never even a question.”

“In your mind.” Draco was smiling now, tears slipping over onto his cheeks, and Harry counted it as a win. “Plan letting in on it next ti, won’t you, Harry?”

Harry smiled. As long as they were talking of next tis, he figured they would be okay.

Chapter 42


When it es ti for them to move in, he’s almost caught off guard.


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