“Who said anything about a new girlfriend?” Potter asked, seemingly caught off guard.
Draco stared at him, willing his heartbeat to slow down. ‘What about a boyfriend?’ he wanted to ask. How many hours, days and months he had spent, wondering if Potter might like blokes. And here it was, the perfect opportunity to find out.
Before he could ask any more questions, however, Tom ca by to see if they needed anything else, distracting them both and leading the conversation into another direction.
If the circumstances had been different, Draco might have been tempted to admit that spending ti with Potter wasn’t that bad after all. Objectively. But, the thing was, it was torture. He was so aware of every word, every glance they exchanged, trying not to let show how many thoughts raced through his head. Honestly, it was exhausting.
Draco insisted on getting the tab and after they stepped outside, he stared at Potter’s outstretched hand.
“What?” Potter asked, stupidly in Draco’s opinion.
Rolling his eyes, he shook the other man’s hand.
“We should do that again soti,” Potter added.
“Sure,” Draco replied, his voice sounding indifferent. He knew that was just an empty phrase, sothing you said to soone you secretly hope to never see again. He let go of Potter’s hand and turned away, intent on going ho as quickly as possible.
“Oi, Malfoy,” he heard Potter call. Draco briefly closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he threw a questioning look over his shoulder. Potter was smiling at him. Shyly. Sweet Merlin!
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” he said. Draco arched an eyebrow in confusion. “And I don’t have a boyfriend, either.”
Wait. What? Why was Potter telling him this? Seriously, why was Potter telling him this? Was it just to tease him? Draco would have bet anything the prat was taken. But he was single? Potter was single?
And I don’t have a boyfriend, either.
Was he implying…he swung both ways? Merlin’s pants!
Suddenly, Draco wished Potter hadn’t said anything at all. He was single. He liked blokes…
That was even worse! It made everything so much worse. Being jealous ca easy to Draco, he could have handled that. Given the circumstances, he would have even weled that. What he couldn’t handle was being presented with a possibility, no matter how small, but knowing it would never end the way he wanted it to.
“Okay,” Draco said warily and turned away again.
“Wait, are you seeing soone?” Potter called after him.
Draco snorted, which almost turned into a laugh. “Merry Christmas, Potter,” he said, before he Apparated back to the Manor.
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