53、月上柳梢头 ...
作者有话要说: 今天来看了评论,谢谢亲爱的大家支持哈,太多了就不一一回复咯~
54、扬州半途 ...
I“m just a little caught in the middle..
Life is a maze and love is a riddle ..
i don“t know where to go, can“t do it alone ..
I“ve tried, and i don“t know why...
Slow it down, make it stop ..
Or else my heart is going to pop..
Cause it“s too much,it“s a lot..
To be sothing I“m not..
I“m a fool out of love ..
Cause i just can“t get enough..
I“m just a little girl lost in the mont..
I“m so scared but i don“t show it..
I can“t figure it out..
it“s bringing down..
The sun is hot in the sky..
Just like a giant spotlight..
The people follow the signs..
And synchronize in ti ..
It“s a joke, nobody knows..
They“ve got a ticket to the show..
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