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Sanderson: No idea. We gonna need so explosives to take care of those tanks.

Soone: Friendly!

Jas: Who’s in charge here?

Soone: u, sir! Major Joyce’s dead. They punch a hole on his neck. His all used up! We all mixed up. We got alpha team, bravo team and George team here.

Sanderson: FUCK the resistance. How the hell they found us!?

Jas: These ain’t the shitheads. They are pros.

Sanderson: What? This is fucking US Amy?

Jas: Who’s got radio!?

Cpl. Chad Decons: It’s us! We r fighting back! We r gonna get the pla back!

Sanderson: Chad! Chad! Cpl. Decons ! Stop!

Chad: Hey! I m an Arican! I m an Arican! I m an……

(Man down)


Soone: This ain’t fair! They don’t have the guts to fight Vamps. Now they take it on us? Fuck it! This ain’t fair!

Sanderson: We can’t stay here! We stay here. We die! AD is not far away. We need to get to there!

Jas: Green light! Listen, everyone. We pull back to the depot! Sanderson, get so snipers on that tower; lays so covering fire on us. The rest of u. Stay on my ass! Hooah?

Soldiers: Hooah!

Sanderson: OK, let’s move! Let’s move!

(At depot)

Jas: U get up and fire! U want to lay there and die or get up do sothing!? Get the Javelin! U hearing? Get the FUCKING Javelin!

Soone: if we go out, we’ll die!

Jas: U r waiting for the whole roof dropping down? Go out and do yr fucking job!


Runner: Still can’t reach them. They are jamming our signal!


第28章 不存在的后援















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